1051 days ago
Washinton University in St. Louis -
The Cruchaga Lab in collaboration with the GSK Genetics Therapy Area is recruiting a self-motivated, self-driven Postdoctoral Research Scientist to work on QTL mapping, Colocalization and Mendelian Randomization. Our group generates and analyzes genetic and multi-tissue proteomic data from large and well-characterized cohorts of Alzheimer disease cases and controls. Proteomic and other omic data (transcriptomics, metabolomics and lipidomics) will be used to perform QTL mapping, Colocalization and Mendelian Randomization to identify novel causal genes, proteins and pathways for Alzheimer disease risk, onset and progression, as well as to create new prediction models and identify druggable targets. We are seeking a highly motivated researcher with strong analytical skills, especially in Quantitative human genetics and Mendelian Randomization to lead the analyses for these projects. The new Postdoctoral Research Scientist will join a large team, currently 30+ members, which is led by three faculty members, four postdocs, several PhD students, and three senior scientists.
Recent publications:
Yang Chengran et al, Nat Neurosci. 2021 Sep;24(9):1302-1312 Laura Ibanez, et al. Genes (Basel). 2021 Aug 15;12(8):1247 Claudia Olive, et al. J Alzheimers Dis. 2020;77(4):1469-1482 Umber Dube et al, Nat Neurosci. 2019 Nov;22(11):1903-1912
1063 days ago
CHU de quebec -
The bioinformatics laboratory of the research center of the CHU de Québec – Université Laval (CHUL) invites applications for a Bioinformatician post-doc position in Microbial Metagenomics (shotgun / 16S). This full-time fixed term position is for approximately 12 months (based on length of grant funding), with the possibility of extension. The Bioinformatician in Microbial Metagenomics will report directly to Arnaud Droit, principal investigator and director of the computational biology laboratory. The successful applicant will join an interdisciplinary team focused on developing and applying computational methods in microbial metagenomics, but also various other OMICs-type projects, especially in cancer research. The team uses state-of-the-art applications of high throughput sequencing to analyze patient cohorts, identify biomarker signatures, and identify bacterial sequences that could potentially serve as diagnostic markers. The Bioinformatician in microbial metagenomics will develop new methods and support the continued development of approaches for resolving genomes from metagenomes (16S and shotgun), performing comparative and functional genomics analyses, and curating pan-genomic sequence databases. The position will take place in a context of an international collaboration with a private partner. It will start as soon as possible. Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience.
1063 days ago
University Health Network -
The Latner Thoracic Surgery Laboratories at the University Health Network in Toronto is inviting applications for a Post-Doctoral Fellow. The successful candidate will lead a project defining genomic and transcriptomic features in esophageal adenocarcinoma. Our samples include laser capture microdissected whole genome and RNA-seq samples from pre-treatment primary tumour biopsies, post-treatment surgical resections, and metastatic biopsies. We have current sequenced approximate 40 whole genomes with matched germline data and 50 whole transcriptomes with a goal to reach NN samples. The candidate will be part of an integrative group including members from a comprehensive clinical program in esophageal cancer, experts in esophageal adenocarcinoma patient derived organoid models, cancer biologists, and bioinformaticians. The successful candidate will be supervised by a clinician-scientist PI and a bioinformatics/genomics PI.
1063 days ago
University of Calgary -
Successful candidates will be recent PhD graduates who are interested in making fundamental discoveries in tumor evolution and immune response that can lead to translational impact in aggressive and largely incurable cancers.
Research approaches in our team include computational analyses of tumor multi-omic profiles at bulk and single cell level, with spatial and temporal resolution within patient samples. We are interested in how tumor cells cooperate with non-neoplastic cells of the microenvironment to respond to selective pressures in general, and in particular to standard therapy regimes. The focus of the candidate will be on establishing methods to integrate long-read sequencing data into our current workflows for genome and transcriptome analyses. Key goals include identification of novel biomarkers and targets for therapy that can be further pursued within a fully operational preclinical pipeline toward clinical translation.
The lab is part of a multi-disciplinary team of cancer researchers filled with passionate and determined individuals who will provide the successful candidate with a stimulating and conducive environment to participate and grow as a scientist. The research is conducted at the University of Calgary, in close collaboration with local and international scientists and clinicians, and thus will also provide the successful candidate with opportunities to learn from a large network of talented professionals.
1063 days ago
Northwestern University -
We are looking for a highly motivated candidate specializing in Bioinformatics to join Dr. Rendong Yang’s laboratory at the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine located in Chicago, IL. The Yang laboratory is interested in the integrative analysis of large-scale, multi-dimensional genomic data to understand the initiation and progression of diseases. The research projects involve in the development of highly accurate and sensitive computational methods for analyzing large-scale genomic data, especially in the area of detecting and analyzing genetic variations and somatic mutations. Example projects span from technique-driven research that aims developing algorithms for a wide range of applications (e.g. Yang et al., Bioinformatics 2010; Yang et al., BMC Genomics 2014; Yang et al., Genome Medicine 2015), to hypothesis-driven investigation of specific biological problems where the main goal is the discovery and advancement of biological knowledge (e.g. Asangani et al., Nature 2014; Henzler et al., Nature Communications 2016; Katerndahl et al., Nature Immunology 2017, Wang et al. Molecular Cell 2021). More information can be found by visiting the lab website: