90 days ago

University of Guelph / Ontario Veterinary College




, Ontario


Job Type:


Degree Level Required:


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Project Title: The H5Nx Genomic Landscape: Predictive Modelling of Host and Antigenic Transitions

A funded Postdoctoral Fellow opportunity is available in under the co-supervision of Dr. Zvonimir Poljak (University of Guelph) and Dr. Finlay Maguire (Dalhousie University).

This is a full-time one-year position, with the possibility of extension, at the University of Guelph. This position is supported by the Canadian Institute of Health Research/Public Health Agency of Canada’s Avian Influenza One Health Research Funding Opportunity with contributions from NSERC.



The successful applicant will lead work in the Poljak and Maguire labs identifying genomic features that are predictive of H5Nx infection in different host groups. This will include developing hierarchical and multi-label prediction models incorporating data from all 8 genomic segments (potentially including embeddings/structural predictions/antigenic data/variant frequency). This work will also involve developing approaches for internal model validation (e.g., phylogenetically informed cross-validation and leakage reduction methods) and external validation of predictions in collaboration with experimental virology colleagues.

The successful candidate will have opportunity to work with a multi-institutional team of experts in epidemiology, bioinformatics, virology, immunology and human and animal health (https://wildepi.ca/flock/).

Location of employment within Canada is open to negotiation.


The ideal candidate will have strong oral and written communication skills, the ability to work independently and as a part of a team, and proven experience with bioinformatics (including genomics and phylogenetics) and predictive statistical or machine-learning modelling. Programming experience in Python or R is essential for this position. Prior experience with viral data is desirable. Selection of the successful candidate will be based on a combination of academic excellence, relevant experience, career goals, and referee assessments.

Additional Information:

Application Process: Please submit a letter of interest, a curriculum vitae, two examples of published research work, and contact information for two references to Dr. Zvonimir Poljak (zpoljak@uoguelph.ca), and Dr. Finlay Maguire (finlay.maguire@dal.ca). Ideal starting date is December 1st 2024; applications will be considered until the position is filled. At the University of Guelph, fostering a culture of inclusion is an institutional imperative. The University invites and encourages applications from all qualified individuals, including from groups that are traditionally underrepresented in employment, who may contribute to further diversification of our Institution.

Further inquiries related to this position can be directed to Drs. Maguire and Poljak.



Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza

Machine Learning



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