Previous Workshops
View details about workshops taught over the last few years.
Application Open
(2025) Single-Cell RNA-seq Analysis: Edmonton, AB
(2025) Single-Cell RNA-seq Analysis: Edmonton, AB
July 10-11, 2025
Participants will gain practical experience and skills to be able to:
Perform basic bioinformatics tasks such as tool installation
Perform read alignment and transcript quantification
Perform quality control
Visualize and interpret scRNA-seq data
Perform clustering and differential expression analysis
Annotate cell clusters
Integrate scRNA-seq data sets
Application Open
(2025) Single-Cell RNA-seq Analysis: Ottawa, ON
(2025) Single-Cell RNA-seq Analysis: Ottawa, ON
July 10-11, 2025
Participants will gain practical experience and skills to be able to:
Perform basic bioinformatics tasks such as tool installation
Perform read alignment and transcript quantification
Perform quality control
Visualize and interpret scRNA-seq data
Perform clustering and differential expression analysis
Annotate cell clusters
Integrate scRNA-seq data sets
Application Open
(2025) RNA-seq Analysis: Edmonton, AB
(2025) RNA-seq Analysis: Edmonton, AB
July 07-09, 2025
Participants will gain practical experience and skills to be able to:
Perform command-line Linux based analysis on the cloud
Perform basic bioinformatics tasks such as tool installation
Understand reference genome and transcriptome annotations
Assess quality of RNA-seq data and perform read trimming
Align RNA-seq data to a reference genome
Visualize RNA-seq alignments, splicing patterns and sequence variants
Estimate known gene and transcript expression using multiple approaches
Perform differential expression analysis using multiple approaches
Visualize and summarize the output of RNA-seq analyses in R
Perform pathway analysis of differentially expressed genes
Perform principal component analysis (PCA) and batch correction
Perform pathway analysis
Perform alignment free expression estimation and DE analysis
Application Open
(2025) RNA-seq Analysis: Ottawa, ON
(2025) RNA-seq Analysis: Ottawa, ON
July 07-09, 2025
Participants will gain practical experience and skills to be able to:
Perform command-line Linux based analysis on the cloud
Perform basic bioinformatics tasks such as tool installation
Understand reference genome and transcriptome annotations
Assess quality of RNA-seq data and perform read trimming
Align RNA-seq data to a reference genome
Visualize RNA-seq alignments, splicing patterns and sequence variants
Estimate known gene and transcript expression using multiple approaches
Perform differential expression analysis using multiple approaches
Visualize and summarize the output of RNA-seq analyses in R
Perform pathway analysis of differentially expressed genes
Perform principal component analysis (PCA) and batch correction
Perform pathway analysis
Perform alignment free expression estimation and DE analysis
Application Open
(2025) Analysis Using R: Toronto, ON
(2025) Analysis Using R: Toronto, ON
June 25-26, 2025
Participants will gain practical experience and skills to be able to use R to visualize and investigate patterns in their data.
Application Open
(2025) Introduction to R: Toronto, ON
(2025) Introduction to R: Toronto, ON
June 23-24, 2025
Participants will gain practical experience and skills to be able to:
Meet the challenges of data handling
Break down problems into structured parts
Use R syntax, functions and packages
Application Open
(2025) Advanced Microbiome Analysis: Vancouver, BC
(2025) Advanced Microbiome Analysis: Vancouver, BC
May 29-30, 2025
Participants will gain practical experience and skills to be able to:
Understand the advantages and limitations of metagenomic data analysis
Devise an appropriate bioinformatics workflow for processing and analyzing microbiome shotgun metagenomic sequence data
Perform both read-based and assembly-based analyses of shotgun metagenomic sequence data
Conduct various types of functional annotation and modelling
Apply appropriate statistics to undertake rigorous data analysis
Application Open
(2025) Beginner Microbiome Analysis: Vancouver, BC
(2025) Beginner Microbiome Analysis: Vancouver, BC
May 26-27, 2025
Participants will gain practical experience and skills to be able to:
Understand the advantages and limitations of marker gene data analysis
Devise an appropriate bioinformatics workflow for processing and analyzing microbiome marker-gene sequence data
Apply appropriate statistics to undertake rigorous data analysis
Application Open
(2025) Infectious Disease Genomic Epidemiology: Hamilton, ON
(2025) Infectious Disease Genomic Epidemiology: Hamilton, ON
May 05-07, 2025
Over the course of both Infectious Disease Genomic Epidemiology and Microbial Genomics, participants will gain practical experience and skills to be able to:
● Understand high-throughput sequencing (HTS) platforms as applied to pathogen genomics and metagenomics sequencing
● Understand the value of data sharing and data curation in pathogen surveillance
● Analyze HTS data for pathogen surveillance and outbreak investigations
● Analyze antimicrobial resistance genes
● Detect emerging pathogens in metagenomics data
● Perform phylodynamic analysis
● Use different visualization tools for genomic epidemiology analysis
Application Open
(2025) Infectious Disease Genomic Epidemiology: Virtual
(2025) Infectious Disease Genomic Epidemiology: Virtual
May 05-07, 2025
Over the course of both Infectious Disease Genomic Epidemiology and Microbial Genomics, participants will gain practical experience and skills to be able to:
● Understand high-throughput sequencing (HTS) platforms as applied to pathogen genomics and metagenomics sequencing
● Understand the value of data sharing and data curation in pathogen surveillance
● Analyze HTS data for pathogen surveillance and outbreak investigations
● Analyze antimicrobial resistance genes
● Detect emerging pathogens in metagenomics data
● Perform phylodynamic analysis
● Use different visualization tools for genomic epidemiology analysis
Application Open
(2025) Microbial Genomics: Virtual
(2025) Microbial Genomics: Virtual
May 01-03, 2025
Over the course of both Infectious Disease Genomic Epidemiology and Microbial Genomics, participants will gain practical experience and skills to be able to:
● Understand high-throughput sequencing (HTS) platforms as applied to pathogen genomics and metagenomics sequencing
● Understand the value of data sharing and data curation in pathogen surveillance
● Analyze HTS data for pathogen surveillance and outbreak investigations
● Analyze antimicrobial resistance genes
● Detect emerging pathogens in metagenomics data
● Perform phylodynamic analysis
● Use different visualization tools for genomic epidemiology analysis
Application Open
(2025) Microbial Genomics: Hamilton, ON
(2025) Microbial Genomics: Hamilton, ON
May 01-03, 2025
Over the course of both Infectious Disease Genomic Epidemiology and Microbial Genomics, participants will gain practical experience and skills to be able to:
● Understand high-throughput sequencing (HTS) platforms as applied to pathogen genomics and metagenomics sequencing
● Understand the value of data sharing and data curation in pathogen surveillance
● Analyze HTS data for pathogen surveillance and outbreak investigations
● Analyze antimicrobial resistance genes
● Detect emerging pathogens in metagenomics data
● Perform phylodynamic analysis
● Use different visualization tools for genomic epidemiology analysis
Application Open
(2025) Introductory Spatial ‘Omics Analysis – Visium HD: Virtual
(2025) Introductory Spatial ‘Omics Analysis – Visium HD: Virtual
February 20-21, 2025
By the end, participants will be able to:
Prepare samples for Visium HD processing by a core facility
Perform basic pre-processing and computational transformations required for analysis
Understand the theory behind spatial and non-spatial clustering methods and their applications
Carry out differential expression analysis statistical testing
Integrate/complement images with gene expression datasets
Understand the limitations of bins and scales on analysis
Application Open
(2025) Introductory Spatial ‘Omics Analysis – Visium HD: Toronto, ON
(2025) Introductory Spatial ‘Omics Analysis – Visium HD: Toronto, ON
February 20-21, 2025
By the end, participants will be able to:
Prepare samples for Visium HD processing by a core facility
Perform basic pre-processing and computational transformations required for analysis
Understand the theory behind spatial and non-spatial clustering methods and their applications
Carry out differential expression analysis statistical testing
Integrate/complement images with gene expression datasets
Understand the limitations of bins and scales on analysis
Registration Closed
(2024) Pathway and Network Analysis: Asynchronous
(2024) Pathway and Network Analysis: Asynchronous
November 11-December 06, 2024
Participants will gain practical experience and skills to be able to:
Get more information about a gene list;
Discover what pathways are enriched in a gene list (and use it for hypothesis generation);
Find out how a set of genes is connected by e.g. protein interactions and identify pathways, systems and modules within this network;
Predict gene function and extend a gene list;
We will develop a unified analysis flow chart throughout the course that students will be able to follow after the workshop to conduct their own analysis.
Registration Closed
(2024) Bridging Pathology and Genomics: A Practical Workshop on NGS for Pathologists and Pathology Researchers: Toronto, ON
(2024) Bridging Pathology and Genomics: A Practical Workshop on NGS for Pathologists and Pathology Researchers: Toronto, ON
October 21-22, 2024
Participants will gain practical experience and skills to be able to:
Describe the similarities and differences in library preparation, sequencing chemistry and data file formats for Illumina, Thermo Fisher and Nanopore platforms
Evaluate the suitability of different MPS platforms for sequencing clinical research samples based on their relative strengths and limitations
Relate errors in laboratory workflow and bioinformatic pipelines to low-quality sequencing results
Registration Closed
(2024) Pharmacogenomics Data Analysis: Toronto, ON
(2024) Pharmacogenomics Data Analysis: Toronto, ON
October 17-18, 2024
Participants will gain practical experience and skills to be able to:
Extract features for biomarker discovery from -omics data (RNA-Seq, methylation, mutations, proteomics, chromatin profiling, etc)
Navigate pharmacogenomics datasets and data preparation for pharmacogenomic analysis
Identify univariable biomarkers from RNA-Seq data
Perform meta-analysis to identify robust biomarkers
Visualize and summarize the output of pharmacogenomic biomarker analysis
(2024) Machine Learning for Medical Imaging Analysis: Pixels to Predictions: Toronto, ON
(2024) Machine Learning for Medical Imaging Analysis: Pixels to Predictions: Toronto, ON
September 19-20, 2024
Participants will gain practical experience and skills to be able to:
Understand key differences in medical imaging modalities,
Learn basic image processing techniques,
Process raw clinical images into analysis ready formats,
Locate and download publicly available imaging data sets,
Extract imaging features and train machine learning models for clinical prediction,
Familiarize yourself with auto-segmentation tools and build deep learning models for medical image segmentation.
Registration Closed
(2024) Proteomics: Quebec City, QC
(2024) Proteomics: Quebec City, QC
September 16-18, 2024
Participants will gain practical experience and skills to be able to:
Design optimal proteomics experiments for protein identification across diverse sample sets
Process proteomics datasets in a robust and reproducible manner
Use multiple software platforms for data processing, analysis, and visualization
Demonstrate best practices in proteomics data analysis
Generate informative and reproducible visualizations
Interpret and describe proteomics experimental findings
Registration Closed
(2024) Machine Learning: Virtual
(2024) Machine Learning: Virtual
September 07-08, 2024
Students will gain experience in:
Applications and Limitations of Machine Learning and Deep Learning
Decision Trees and Random Forests – how they work, how they are coded in Python and R, and how they can be used in bioinformatic applications (biomarker discovery and modeling)
Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) – how they work, how data is encoded, how they are coded in Python and R, and how they can be used in bioinformatic applications (classification and secondary structure prediction)
Large Language Models (LLMs) – how they work, and how they can be used in bioinformatics applications (text mining, information extraction)
Using Machine Learning tools (Decision Trees, ANNs and HMMs) on the Web (SciKit Learn and Keras/Colab)
(2024) Epigenomics Analysis: Virtual
(2024) Epigenomics Analysis: Virtual
August 26-29, 2024
Participants will gain practical experience and skills to be able to:
Align ChIP-seq and WGBS sequence data to a reference genome (required)
Identify narrow and broad peaks from ChIP-seq data
Identify methylated levels from WGBS data
Visualize and summarize the output of ChIP-Seq and WGBS analyses
Explore integrative tools for epigenomic data sets
Discover existing online resources to facilitate epigenomic data analysis
Registration Closed
(2024) Help! What Statistical Model Should I Use?: Virtual
(2024) Help! What Statistical Model Should I Use?: Virtual
August 19-21, 2024
Participants will gain practical experience and skills to be able to:
Understand the challenges and opportunities presented by complex biological data.
Apply fundamental techniques for exploring and summarizing biological datasets.
Address missing values through sophisticated imputation methodologies.
Analyze relationships within high-dimensional data, both between variables and samples, employing regression methods, regularization techniques, and clustering methods.
Integrate various statistical methods into a cohesive workflow to tackle a variety of common problems in bioinformatics from data exploration to interpretation.
Registration Closed
(2024) Introductory Spatial ‘Omics Analysis: Toronto, ON
(2024) Introductory Spatial ‘Omics Analysis: Toronto, ON
July 09-10, 2024
Participants will gain practical experience and skills to be able to:
Appreciate the bench practices and workflow in preparation for optimum single molecular spatial experiments.
Understand the guiding principles that influence panel design and will be able to design an optimum panel.
Perform data clean-up and pre-processing (normalization, dimensional reduction) steps relevant and specific towards single molecular platforms.
Understand the different non-spatial and spatial methods of analysis and will be able to apply some of these methods during the workshop, including the fundamental application of geo-spatial statistical analysis.
Understand the principles behind non-segmentation and segmentation analysis and apply a basic non-seg/segmentation method over their analysis.
At the end of the course, the registrant will be able to plan single-molecular experiments and direct their experiment through analysis.
Registration Closed
(2024) Introductory Spatial ‘Omics Analysis: Virtual
(2024) Introductory Spatial ‘Omics Analysis: Virtual
July 09-10, 2024
Participants will gain practical experience and skills to be able to:
Appreciate the bench practices and workflow in preparation for optimum single molecular spatial experiments.
Understand the guiding principles that influence panel design and will be able to design an optimum panel.
Perform data clean-up and pre-processing (normalization, dimensional reduction) steps relevant and specific towards single molecular platforms.
Understand the different non-spatial and spatial methods of analysis and will be able to apply some of these methods during the workshop, including the fundamental application of geo-spatial statistical analysis.
Understand the principles behind non-segmentation and segmentation analysis and apply a basic non-seg/segmentation method over their analysis.
At the end of the course, the registrant will be able to plan single-molecular experiments and direct their experiment through analysis.
Registration Closed
(2024) Pathway and Network Analysis: Toronto, ON
(2024) Pathway and Network Analysis: Toronto, ON
June 26-28, 2024
Participants will gain practical experience and skills to be able to:
Get more information about a gene list;
Discover what pathways are enriched in a gene list (and use it for hypothesis generation);
Find out how a set of genes is connected by e.g. protein interactions and identify pathways, systems and modules within this network;
Predict gene function and extend a gene list;
We will develop a unified analysis flow chart throughout the course that students will be able to follow after the workshop to conduct their own analysis.
Registration Closed
(2024) Single Cell RNA-seq Analysis: Toronto, ON
(2024) Single Cell RNA-seq Analysis: Toronto, ON
June 20-21, 2024
Participants will gain practical experience and skills to be able to:
Perform basic bioinformatics tasks such as tool installation
Perform read alignment and transcript quantification
Perform quality control
Visualize and interpret scRNA-seq data
Perform clustering and differential expression analysis
Annotate cell clusters
Integrate scRNA-seq data sets
Registration Closed
(2024) RNA-seq Analysis: Toronto, ON
(2024) RNA-seq Analysis: Toronto, ON
June 17-19, 2024
Participants will gain practical experience and skills to be able to:
Perform command-line Linux based analysis on the cloud (Amazon AWS)
Perform basic bioinformatics tasks such as tool installation
Understand reference genome and transcriptome annotations
Assess quality of RNA-seq data and perform read trimming
Align RNA-seq data to a reference genome
Visualize RNA-seq alignments, splicing patterns and sequence variants
Estimate known gene and transcript expression using multiple approaches
Perform differential expression analysis
Visualize and summarize the output of RNA-seq analyses in R
Perform principal component analysis (PCA) and batch correction
Perform pathway analysis
Perform alignment free expression estimation and DE analysis
Registration Closed
(2024) Analysis Using R: Toronto, ON
(2024) Analysis Using R: Toronto, ON
June 13-14, 2024
Participants will gain practical experience and skills to be able to use R to visualize and investigate patterns in their data.
Registration Closed
(2024) Introduction to R: Toronto, ON
(2024) Introduction to R: Toronto, ON
June 11-12, 2024
Participants will gain practical experience and skills to be able to:
Meet the challenges of data handling
Break down problems into structured parts
Use R syntax, functions and packages
(2024) Metabolomics Analysis: Edmonton, AB
(2024) Metabolomics Analysis: Edmonton, AB
June 03-05, 2024
Participants will gain practical experience and skills to be able to:
Design appropriate metabolome-focused experiments
Understand the advantages and limitations of metabolomic data analysis
Devise an appropriate bioinformatics workflow for processing and analyzing metabolomic data
Apply appropriate statistics to undertake rigorous data analysis
Visualize datasets to gain intuitive insights into the composition and/or activity of their metabolome
(2024) Metabolomics Analysis: Montréal, QC
(2024) Metabolomics Analysis: Montréal, QC
June 03-05, 2024
Participants will gain practical experience and skills to be able to:
Design appropriate metabolome-focused experiments
Understand the advantages and limitations of metabolomic data analysis
Devise an appropriate bioinformatics workflow for processing and analyzing metabolomic data
Apply appropriate statistics to undertake rigorous data analysis
Visualize datasets to gain intuitive insights into the composition and/or activity of their metabolome
Registration Closed
(2024) Advanced Microbiome Analysis: St. John’s, NL
(2024) Advanced Microbiome Analysis: St. John’s, NL
May 29-30, 2024
Participants will gain practical experience and skills to be able to:
Understand the advantages and limitations of metagenomic data analysis
Devise an appropriate bioinformatics workflow for processing and analyzing microbiome shotgun metagenomic sequence data
Perform both read-based and assembly-based analyses of shotgun metagenomic sequence data
Apply appropriate statistics to undertake rigorous data analysis
Registration Closed
(2024) Beginner Microbiome Analysis: St. John’s, NL
(2024) Beginner Microbiome Analysis: St. John’s, NL
May 27-28, 2024
Participants will gain practical experience and skills to be able to:
Design appropriate microbiome-focused experiments
Understand the advantages and limitations of marker gene data analysis
Devise an appropriate bioinformatics workflow for processing and analyzing microbiome marker-gene sequence data
Apply appropriate statistics to undertake rigorous data analysis
Registration Closed
(2024) Infectious Disease Genomic Epidemiology: Virtual
(2024) Infectious Disease Genomic Epidemiology: Virtual
May 13-17, 2024
Participants will gain practical experience and skills to be able to:
Understand high-throughput sequencing (HTS) platforms as applied to pathogen genomics and metagenomics sequencing
Understand the value of data sharing and data curation in pathogen surveillance
Analyze HTS data for pathogen surveillance and outbreak investigations
Analyze antimicrobial resistance genes
Detect emerging pathogens in metagenomics data
Perform phylodynamic analysis
Use different visualization tools for genomic epidemiology analysis
Registration Closed
(2023) Epigenomics Analysis
(2023) Epigenomics Analysis
October 11-13, 2023
Participants will gain practical experience and skills to be able to:
Align ChIP-seq and WGBS sequence data to a reference genome (required)
Identify narrow and broad peaks from ChIP-seq data
Identify methylated levels from WGBS data
Visualize and summarize the output of ChIP-Seq and WGBS analyses
Explore integrative tools for epigenomic data sets
Registration Closed
(2023) Machine Learning
(2023) Machine Learning
August 16-17, 2023
Students will gain experience in:
Applications and Limitations of Machine Learning and Deep Learning
Decision Trees and Random Forests – how they work, how they are coded in Python and R, and how they can be used in bioinformatic applications (biomarker discovery and modeling)
Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) – how they work, how data is encoded, how they are coded in Python and R, and how they can be used in bioinformatic applications (classification and secondary structure prediction)
Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) – how they work, how they are coded in Python and R and how they can be used in bioinformatics applications (gene finding)
Using Machine Learning tools (Decision Trees, ANNs and HMMs) on the Web (SciKit Learn and Keras/Colab)
Registration Closed
(2023) Single Cell RNA-seq Analysis
(2023) Single Cell RNA-seq Analysis
July 20-21, 2023
Participants will gain practical experience and skills to be able to:
Perform basic bioinformatics tasks such as tool installation
Perform read alignment and transcript quantification
Perform quality control
Visualize and interpret scRNA-seq data
Perform clustering and differential expression analysis
Annotate cell clusters
Integrate scRNA-seq data sets
Registration Closed
(2023) RNA-seq Analysis
(2023) RNA-seq Analysis
July 17-19, 2023
Participants will gain practical experience and skills to be able to:
Perform command-line Linux based analysis on the cloud (Amazon AWS)
Perform basic bioinformatics tasks such as tool installation
Understand reference genome and transcriptome annotations
Assess quality of RNA-seq data and perform trimming
Align RNA-seq data to a reference genome
Visualize RNA-seq alignments, splicing patterns and sequence variants
Estimate known gene and transcript expression using multiple approaches
Perform differential expression analysis
Visualize and summarize the output of RNA-seq analyses in R
Perform batch correction
Perform pathway analysis
Alignment free expression estimation
Registration Closed
(2023) Metabolomics Analysis
(2023) Metabolomics Analysis
July 06-07, 2023
Participants will gain practical experience and skills to be able to:
Design appropriate metabolome-focused experiments
Understand the advantages and limitations of metabolomic data analysis
Devise an appropriate bioinformatics workflow for processing and analyzing metabolomic data
Apply appropriate statistics to undertake rigorous data analysis
Visualize datasets to gain intuitive insights into the composition and/or activity of their metabolome
Registration Closed
(2023) CBW-IMPACTT Microbiome Analysis
(2023) CBW-IMPACTT Microbiome Analysis
July 05-07, 2023
Participants will gain practical experience and skills to be able to:
Design appropriate microbiome-focused experiments
Understand the advantages and limitations of metagenomic data analysis
Devise an appropriate bioinformatics workflow for processing and analyzing microbiome sequence data (marker-gene, shotgun metagenomic, and metatranscriptomic data)
Apply appropriate statistics to undertake rigorous data analysis
Registration Closed
(2023) Analysis Using R
(2023) Analysis Using R
June 28-29, 2023
Participants will gain practical experience and skills to be able to use R to visualize and investigate patterns in their data.
Registration Closed
(2023) Introduction to R
(2023) Introduction to R
June 26-27, 2023
Participants will gain practical experience and skills to be able to:
Meet the challenges of data handling
Break down problems into structured parts
Use R syntax, functions and packages
Registration Closed
(2023) Pathway and Network Analysis
(2023) Pathway and Network Analysis
June 05-07, 2023
Participants will gain practical experience and skills to be able to:
Get more information about a gene list;
Discover what pathways are enriched in a gene list (and use it for hypothesis generation);
Find out how a set of genes is connected by e.g. protein interactions and identify pathways, systems and modules within this network;
Predict gene function and extend a gene list;
We will develop a unified analysis flow chart throughout the course that students will be able to follow after the workshop to conduct their own analysis.
Registration Closed
(2023) Infectious Disease Genomic Epidemiology
(2023) Infectious Disease Genomic Epidemiology
April 18-21, 2023
Participants will gain practical experience and skills to be able to:
Understand high-throughput sequencing (HTS) platforms as applied to pathogen genomics and metagenomics sequencing
Understand the value of data sharing and data curation in pathogen surveillance
Analyze HTS data for pathogen surveillance and outbreak investigations
Analyze antimicrobial resistance genes
Detect emerging pathogens in metagenomics data
Perform phylodynamic analysis
Use different visualization tools for genomic epidemiology analysis
Registration Closed
(2021) Infectious Disease Epidemiology Analysis
(2021) Infectious Disease Epidemiology Analysis
October 04-06, 2021
Participants will gain practical experience and skills to be able to:
Understand next generation sequencing (NGS) platforms as applied to pathogen genomics and metagenomics sequencing
Analyze NGS data for pathogen surveillance and outbreak investigations
Analyze antimicrobial resistance genes
Detect emerging pathogens in metagenomics data
Perform phylogeographic analysis
Use different visualization tools for genomic epidemiology analysis
Registration Closed
(2021) High Throughput Genomics Analysis
(2021) High Throughput Genomics Analysis
September 27-29, 2021
Beginning with an understanding of the workflow involved to move from platform images to sequence generation, participants will gain practical experience and skills to be able to:
Assess sequence quality
Map sequence data onto a reference genome
Perform de novo assembly tasks
Quantify sequence data
Integrate biological context with sequence information
(2021) Environmental Transcriptomics Analysis
(2021) Environmental Transcriptomics Analysis
September 20-22, 2021
As the cost of collecting transcriptomics data continues to drop, researchers in the environmental life sciences are increasingly seeking to use these data as part of their investigations. In many cases, this means using non-model organisms that have few or no genomics and bioinformatics resources for comprehensive data analysis and interpretation. The objective of this workshop is to equip researchers in the environmental life sciences with easy-to-use tools to process and analyze transcriptomics data from non-model organisms, and strategies for leveraging databases and statistical methods originally designed for model organisms.
Registration Closed
(2021) Epigenomics Analysis
(2021) Epigenomics Analysis
September 13-15, 2021
Participants will gain practical experience and skills to be able to:
Align ChIP-seq and WGBS sequence data to a reference genome (required)
Identify narrow and broad peaks from ChIP-seq data
Identify methylated levels from WGBS data
Visualize and summarize the output of ChIP-Seq and WGBS analyses
Explore integrative tools for epigenomic data sets
Registration Closed
(2021) RNA-Seq Analysis
(2021) RNA-Seq Analysis
September 08-10, 2021
Participants will gain practical experience and skills to be able to:
Perform command-line Linux based analysis on the cloud (Amazon AWS)
Perform basic bioinformatics tasks such as tool installation
Assess quality of RNA-seq data and perform trimming
Align RNA-seq data to a reference genome
Visualize RNA-seq alignments and variants
Estimate known gene and transcript expression using multiple approaches
Perform differential expression analysis
Visualize and summarize the output of RNA-seq analyses in R
Perform batch correction
Perform pathway analysis
Alignment free expression estimation
Registration Closed
(2021) Microbiome Analysis
(2021) Microbiome Analysis
September 01-03, 2021
Participants will gain practical experience and skills to be able to:
Design appropriate microbiome-focused experiments
Understand the advantages and limitations of metagenomic data analysis
Devise an appropriate bioinformatics workflow for processing and analyzing metagenomic sequence data (marker-gene, shotgun metagenomic, and metatranscriptomic data)
Apply appropriate statistics to undertake rigorous data analysis
Visualize datasets to gain intuitive insights into the composition and/or activity of their data set
Registration Closed
(2021) Analysis Using R
(2021) Analysis Using R
June 28-29, 2021
Participants will gain practical experience and skills to be able to use R to visualize and investigate patterns in their data.
Registration Closed
(2021) Introduction to R
(2021) Introduction to R
June 21-22, 2021
Participants will gain practical experience and skills to be able to:
Meet the challenges of data handling
Break down problems into structured parts
Use R syntax, functions and packages
Registration Closed
(2021) Metabolomics Analysis
(2021) Metabolomics Analysis
June 16-18, 2021
Participants will gain practical experience and skills to be able to:
Design appropriate metabolome-focused experiments
Understand the advantages and limitations of metabolomic data analysis
Devise an appropriate bioinformatics workflow for processing and analyzing metabolomic data
Apply appropriate statistics to undertake rigorous data analysis
Visualize datasets to gain intuitive insights into the composition and/or activity of their metabolome
Registration Closed
(2021) Cancer Analysis
(2021) Cancer Analysis
June 07-11, 2021
This 5-day workshop will cover the key bioinformatics concepts and tools required to analyze cancer genomic data sets and access and work with data sets in the Cloud.
Participants will gain practical experience and skills to:
Visualize genomic data;
Analyze cancer –omic data for gene expression, genome rearrangement, somatic mutations, and copy number variation;
Analyze and conduct pathway analysis on the resultant cancer gene list;
Integrate clinical data;
Launch, configure, customize, and scale virtual machines (VM);
Navigate and work with data sets from Cloud repositories; and
Follow best practices in data and workflow management.
Registration Closed
(2021) Machine Learning
(2021) Machine Learning
May 25-26, 2021
Students will gain experience in:
Applications and Limitations of Machine Learning and Deep Learning
Decision Trees and Random Forests – how they work, how they are coded in Python and R, and how they can be used in bioinformatic applications (biomarker discovery and modeling)
Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) – how they work, how data is encoded, how they are coded in Python and R, and how they can be used in bioinformatic applications (classification and secondary structure prediction)
Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) – how they work, how they are coded in Python and R and how they can be used in bioinformatics applications (gene finding)
Using Machine Learning tools (Decision Trees, ANNs and HMMs) on the Web (SciKit Learn and Keras/Colab)
Registration Closed
(2021) Pathway and Network Analysis
(2021) Pathway and Network Analysis
May 10-12, 2021
Participants will gain practical experience and skills to be able to:
Get more information about a gene list;
Discover what pathways are enriched in a gene list (and use it for hypothesis generation);
Find out how a set of genes is connected by e.g. protein interactions and identify pathways, systems and modules within this network;
Predict gene function and extend a gene list;
Identify master regulators, such as transcription factors, active in the experiment.
We will develop a unified analysis flow chart throughout the course that students will be able to follow after the workshop to conduct their own analysis.
Registration Closed
(2020) Epigenomic Data Analysis
(2020) Epigenomic Data Analysis
October 22-23, 2020
Participants will gain practical experience and skills to be able to:
Align ChIP-seq and WGBS sequence data to a reference genome (required)
Identify narrow and broad peaks from ChIP-seq data
Identify methylated levels from WGBS data
Visualize and summarize the output of ChIP-Seq and WGBS analyses
Explore integrative tools for epigenomic data sets
Registration Closed
(2020) Machine Learning
(2020) Machine Learning
September 21-22, 2020
Students will gain experience in:
Applications and Limitations of Machine Learning and Deep Learning
Data encoding for Machine Learning
Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) – how they work and how they can be used in bioinformatic applications (secondary structure prediction)
ANNs – how to program a useful ANN for bioinformatics in Python
Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) – how they work and how they can be used in bioinformatics applications (gene finding)
HMMs – how to program a useful HMM for bioinformatics in Python
Support Vector Machines, Decision Trees an Random Forests – how they work and how they can be used in bioinformatic applications (biomarker discovery and modeling)
Using Machine Learning tools on the Web (WEKA)
Using Machine Learning Apps (TENSORFLOW)
Registration Closed
(2020) Pathway and Network Analysis of -Omics Data
(2020) Pathway and Network Analysis of -Omics Data
July 27-29, 2020
Participants will gain practical experience and skills to be able to:
Get more information about a gene list;
Discover what pathways are enriched in a gene list (and use it for hypothesis generation);
Find out how a set of genes is connected by e.g. protein interactions and identify pathways, systems and modules within this network;
Predict gene function and extend a gene list;
Identify master regulators, such as transcription factors, active in the experiment.
We will develop a unified analysis flow chart throughout the course that students will be able to follow after the workshop to conduct their own analysis.
Registration Closed
(2020) Informatics on High Throughput Sequencing Data
(2020) Informatics on High Throughput Sequencing Data
July 09-10, 2020
Beginning with an understanding of the workflow involved to move from platform images to sequence generation, participants will gain practical experience and skills to be able to:
Assess sequence quality
Map sequence data onto a reference genome
Perform de novo assembly tasks
Quantify sequence data
Integrate biological context with sequence information
Registration Closed
(2020) Informatics for RNA-seq Analysis
(2020) Informatics for RNA-seq Analysis
June 17-19, 2020
Participants will gain practical experience and skills to be able to:
Perform command-line Linux based analysis on the cloud
Assess quality of RNA-seq data
Align RNA-seq data to a reference genome
Estimate known gene and transcript expression
Perform differential expression analysis
Discover novel isoforms
Visualize and summarize the output of RNA-seq analyses in R
Assemble transcripts from RNA-Seq data.
Registration Closed
(2020) Informatics and Statistics for Metabolomics
(2020) Informatics and Statistics for Metabolomics
June 15-16, 2020
Participants will gain practical experience and skills to be able to:
Design appropriate metabolome-focused experiments
Understand the advantages and limitations of metabolomic data analysis
Devise an appropriate bioinformatics workflow for processing and analyzing metabolomic data
Apply appropriate statistics to undertake rigorous data analysis
Visualize datasets to gain intuitive insights into the composition and/or activity of their metabolome
Registration Closed
(2020) Exploratory Analysis of Biological Data using R
(2020) Exploratory Analysis of Biological Data using R
June 11-12, 2020
Participants will gain practical experience and skills to be able to:
Use R and its analysis tools, read and modify code, and explore protocols that can be adapted for their own research tasks.
Write R functions and analysis scripts.
Plot and visualize data using the elementary built-in routines via their (sometimes bewildering) array of parameters to sophisticated, publication-ready presentations.
Registration Closed
(2020) Introduction to R
(2020) Introduction to R
June 09-10, 2020
Participants will gain practical experience and skills to be able to:
Meet the challenges of data handling
Break down problems into structured parts
Use R syntax, functions and packages
Understand best practices for scientific computational work
Registration Closed
(2019) Informatics for RNA-seq Analysis
(2019) Informatics for RNA-seq Analysis
July 11-June 13, 2019
Participants will gain practical experience and skills to be able to:
Perform command-line Linux based analysis on the cloud
Assess quality of RNA-seq data
Align RNA-seq data to a reference genome
Estimate known gene and transcript expression
Perform differential expression analysis
Discover novel isoforms
Visualize and summarize the output of RNA-seq analyses in R
Assemble transcripts from RNA-Seq data.
Registration Closed
(2019) Pathway and Network Analysis of -Omics Data
(2019) Pathway and Network Analysis of -Omics Data
June 26-28, 2019
Participants will gain practical experience and skills to be able to:
Get more information about a gene list;
Discover what pathways are enriched in a gene list (and use it for hypothesis generation);
Find out how a set of genes is connected by e.g. protein interactions and identify pathways, systems and modules within this network;
Predict gene function and extend a gene list;
Identify master regulators, such as transcription factors, active in the experiment.
We will develop a unified analysis flow chart throughout the course that students will be able to follow after the workshop to conduct their own analysis.
Registration Closed
(2019) Informatics on High Throughput Sequencing Data
(2019) Informatics on High Throughput Sequencing Data
June 20-21, 2019
Beginning with an understanding of the workflow involved to move from platform images to sequence generation, participants will gain practical experience and skills to be able to:
Assess sequence quality
Map sequence data onto a reference genome
Perform de novo assembly tasks
Quantify sequence data
Integrate biological context with sequence information
Registration Closed
(2019) Epigenomic Data Analysis
(2019) Epigenomic Data Analysis
June 18-19, 2019
Participants will gain practical experience and skills to be able to:
Align ChIP-seq and WGBS sequence data to a reference genome (required)
Identify narrow and broad peaks from ChIP-seq data
Identify methylated levels from WGBS data
Visualize and summarize the output of ChIP-Seq and WGBS analyses
Explore integrative tools for epigenomic data sets
Registration Closed
(2019) Bioinformatics for Cancer Genomics
(2019) Bioinformatics for Cancer Genomics
June 03-07, 2019
Participants will gain practical experience and skills to:
Visualize genomic data
Analyze cancer –omic data for gene expression, genome rearrangement, somatic mutations, and copy number variation
Analyze and conduct pathway analysis on the resultant cancer gene list
Integrate clinical data
Launch, configure, customize, and scale virtual machines (VM)
Navigate and work with data sets from Cloud repositories
Follow best practices in data and workflow management
Registration Closed
(2019) Informatics and Statistics for Metabolomics
(2019) Informatics and Statistics for Metabolomics
May 27-28, 2019
Participants will gain practical experience and skills to be able to:
Design appropriate metabolome-focused experiments
Understand the advantages and limitations of metabolomic data analysis
Devise an appropriate bioinformatics workflow for processing and analyzing metabolomic data
Apply appropriate statistics to undertake rigorous data analysis
Visualize datasets to gain intuitive insights into the composition and/or activity of their metabolome
Registration Closed
(2019) Exploratory Analysis of Biological Data using R
(2019) Exploratory Analysis of Biological Data using R
May 15-16, 2019
Participants will gain practical experience and skills to be able to:
Use R and its analysis tools, read and modify code, and explore protocols that can be adapted for their own research tasks.
Write R functions and analysis scripts.
Plot and visualize data using the elementary built-in routines via their (sometimes bewildering) array of parameters to sophisticated, publication-ready presentations.
Registration Closed
(2019) Introduction to R
(2019) Introduction to R
May 13-14, 2019
Participants will gain practical experience and skills to be able to:
Meet the challenges of data handling
Break down problems into structured parts
Use R syntax, functions and packages
Understand best practices for scientific computational work
Registration Closed
(2019) High-throughput Biology: From Sequence to Networks
(2019) High-throughput Biology: From Sequence to Networks
March 11-17, 2019
The course will begin with the workflow involved in moving from platform images to sequence generation, after which participants will gain practical skills for evaluating sequence read quality, mapping reads to a reference genome, and analyzing sequence reads for variation and expression level. The course will conclude with pathway and network analysis on the resultant ‘gene’ list. Participants will gain experience in cloud computing and data visualization tools. All class exercises will be self-contained units that include example data (e.g., Illumina paired-end data) as well as detailed instructions for installing all required bioinformatics tools.