University Health Network
, Ontario
The Schwartz lab is interested in developing new methods and algorithms to understand the role of cellular heterogeneity in cancer. We will use these integrative tools to improve diagnosis and treatment of cancer through precision medicine. As such, we are hiring a Software Developer to create interactive computational tools and web portals for the analysis of high-throughput multi-omic data. You will also be working with trainees in the lab to support and oversee the development of these tools and analyses while communicating our findings to the scientific community.
By joining our lab, you will have the opportunity to work with and integrate data from cutting-edge technologies such as single-cell assays to create new tools to help scientists and clinicians understand, diagnose, and treat cancer. For more information on the types of tools we will develop, please visit
- Develop software to integrate and interpret multi-omic data
- Create and deploy graphical user interfaces for tools developed in the lab and create web applications to facilitate data exploration and visualization of large-scale data
- Develop and oversee high-throughput data pipelines, including data from many new single-cell technologies such as scRNA-seq, scATAC-seq, scMultiome-seq, and Visium spatial transcriptomics
- Maintain multi-omic high-throughput databases
- Assist in manuscript preparation
As our ideal candidate, you will have at minimum:
- Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science or related field
- At least 2 years of software and / or web development experience
- Strong background in Linux, Python, and C/C++
- Strong background in web frameworks such as Django
- Strong background in machine learning and statistics
- Experience with version control, specifically Git and GitHub
- Willingness to learn new tools and frameworks
In addition, the following are desired:
- Experience with Next generation sequencing (NGS) data formats such as FASTQ, BAM, Matrix Market, and HDF5
- Experience with Haskell, R, and LaTeX
- Excellent writing and verbal communication skills
Big Data
Machine Learning
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