817 days ago
University Health Network -
A postdoctoral fellowship is available in the laboratories of Dr. Suzanne Trudel, MSc, MD, FRCPC and Dr. Trevor Pugh, PhD, FACMG at the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre / University Health Network in Toronto, Canada. Located in the MaRS Centre in the heart of the downtown Discovery District, we are an integral component of multiple translational genomics projects and platforms including the Cancer Genomics Program, Tumour Immunotherapy Program, Princess Margaret Genomics Centre, and the OICR Genomics Program. This position is an opportunity for a scientifically creative, computationally-inclined individual with a strong cancer biology background to further their understanding of therapeutic response and resistance mechanisms to immunotherapy as well as underlying oncogenic mechanisms active in the hematologic malignancy multiple myeloma.
827 days ago
Centre de Recherche du CHU de Québec - Université Laval -
If you are interested in the integration of multiomics data to understand gene regulation, the laboratory of Dr Steve Bilodeau is looking for postdoctoral candidates. Dr. Bilodeau’s team uses advanced technologies as well as computational biology to define the molecular mechanisms controlling gene expression during normal and disease development. Talented and creative candidates willing to challenge current dogmas are strongly encouraged to apply.
The Laboratory of Dr Steve Bilodeau is located at the Centre de Recherche du CHU de Québec – Université Laval in Québec City. The city is internationally recognized for its outstanding quality of life, lively cultural scene, and reasonable cost of living. In 2023, the oncology division and the team of Dr Bilodeau will move to a new cutting-edge research facility part of a new hospital complex currently in construction.
827 days ago
Purdue University -
Postdoctoral position available
The Baloni lab at the School of Health Sciences and the Purdue Institute for Integrative Neuroscience, Purdue University, is seeking a Postdoctoral Fellow to conduct research on in silico human brain model using multiomics data, ranging from transcriptome to phenome, with a focus on neurodegenerative diseases. The applicant will also be involved in an interdisciplinary project involving human gut microbiome research. The projects are federally funded, and the lab environment is highly supportive.
To apply, please email your CV, cover letter, two representative publications, contact information for three references to the PI Priyanka Baloni (
841 days ago
University of Guelph -
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is one of the largest human health concerns of this generation, as the continued emergence of resistance threatens to interfere with our ability to treat and prevent human infectious diseases.
Combating AMR requires a One Health approach, combining efforts at limiting resistance emergence and spread within human, animal and environmental reservoirs. As all use (including responsible use) contributes to potential resistance, and transfer can occur between sectors, developing a standardized surveillance platform is imperative. We are currently seeking two computational hires to work collaboratively on two separate, yet integrated, research programs. The first project builds on the recently developed amplicon-based platform termed Diversity of Antibiotic Resistance genes and Transfer Elements – Quantitative Monitoring, abbreviated as DARTE-QM (Smith et al. 2022 Communications Biology, 5 (1): 1-9). This initial version of the platform targeted 662 antibiotic resistance genes and was employed across a diversity of complex environmental samples including manure, soil and livestock feces and illustrated the potential of this platform to both distinguish the resistomes of each source and to allow for comparisons of resistance diversity and abundance across sectors. We are now initiating the second phase of development, aimed at prioritizing our primer targets based on risk characterization and prevalence, and further optimization of the platform. This work will be performed in collaboration with the Canadian Integrated Program for Antimicrobial Resistance (CIPARS) and the Comprehensive Antimicrobial Resistance Database (CARD) and a diversity of researchers from Iowa State University, University of Guelph, and McMaster University. The second project will develop schema and computational pipelines for the incorporation of antimicrobial resistance data into the AgriFood Canada Database for use across a diverse collection of collaborators, including the National Microbiology Laboratory, Public Health Agency of Canada and Animal Health Laboratories.
Funding for these projects, including competitive post-doctoral salaries, has already been secured and a start date of January 1, 2023 is preferred but is negotiable.
848 days ago
The University of British Columbia -
Postdoctoral Fellow/Computational Biology
The Department of Microbiology & Immunology is seeking a highly qualified and motivated full-time Bioinformaticist to start as soon as possible. The successful candidate will join the Hancock research group and will perform algorithmic and statistical analyses on genomic and transcriptome sequencing data sets. The primary project for this position will be identifying endotype specific drug targets in sepsis and other side projects may involve other sepsis projects, human vaccine responses, bacterial studies and novel peptide therapeutics that target inflammation. This position involves running genome sequencing data analysis pipelines, testing and maintenance of existing sequence-analysis pipelines, automation of routine programming and data-analysis tasks and workflows, managing and processing genomic data, interpretation of results and, where necessary, contributing to the development of software implementing novel algorithms and statistical models. The successful candidate will provide consultation to researchers on study design, analysis and statistical methods.
All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority. Please include citizenship/PR status information in your application.
To Apply: Submit a CV, a short (one-two-page) description of research interests and experience, and contact information for at least two references by e-mail to:
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