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Our Jobs Board serves Canadians and features a wide variety of bioinformatics positions across Canada and globally. Discover your next career move here!

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46 days ago


McGill University, 


, Quebec

, Canada

BRAINCODE, the bioinformatics team at the Neuro – McGill University, Dr. Kevin Petrecca’s Lab, is recruiting Bioinformatics Research Assistant, Associate. We are applying state-of-the-art technologies, including our single cell spatial transcriptomics platform, to our highly valuable and unique human brain datasets, enabling us to uncover fundamental biological mechanisms that govern brain cancer initiation, development and evolution, as well as the biology of human brain. We offer a competitive salary, in line with McGill’s salary range, and based on your skills and experience. Under the direction and supervision of BRAINCODE lead (Javad Nadaf, PhD), you will perform advanced bioinformatics analyses to interpret biological Omics data such as variant calling, annotations, single-nucleus ATAC-seq, single cell transcriptomic, spatial transcriptomics, and other Omics data on brain datasets. The job is a Hybrid of dry lab and wet lab. Most of the responsibilities are bioinformatics with some wet lab work related to upstream and potentially downstream of the data analysis.

54 days ago


Dalhousie University, 


, Nova Scotia

, Canada

The Canadian Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (CB2) Platform is a CIHR-funded initiative designed to establish a pan-Canadian network of training and community sites in six provincial regions with the aim to increase bioinformatics, computational biology, and data science capacity among researchers. Led by Bioinformatics.ca which is currently hosted by the Ontario Institute for Cancer Research (OICR), the CB2 Platform will consist of a centralized platform for the management of bioinformatics, computational biology and health data science training opportunities. The platform will also coordinate the management of CB2 career supporting activities including mentorship, professional skill development, awards, and community-building activities. The CB2 Platform aims to grow CB2 capacity among all health and life-science researchers, especially Early Career Researchers and equity-deserving professionals. Dalhousie University is seeking a Regional Coordinator to take on coordination of the CB2 Platform’s bioinformatics, computational biology and data science training and community building activities across the Atlantic Provinces. As a national initiative, this high-profile position will help realize the CB2 Platform’s goals to create an innovative training platform and thriving bioinformatics, computational biology and data-science community. The role involves identifying and championing the training needs of the Atlantic region, and bringing innovative training programs to your entire region and its diversity of audiences, as well as coordinating these offerings with the platform’s other regions. Training offerings may be from the Canadian Bioinformatics Workshops, Carpentries or other providers who meet the core requirements of the CB2 Platform. The role also involves developing and promoting career and community building activities that extend and support the learning experience beyond the classroom and engages diverse and underrepresented audiences.

56 days ago


McGill University, 


, Quebec

, Canada

We invite applications for a postdoctoral position in the CSG lab (http://csg.lab.mcgill.ca/) at McGill University. The successful candidate will join an interdisciplinary team of computational and experimental biologists working at the intersection of machine learning, statistical inference, and genomics to understand the genetic and molecular basis of gene regulation, characterize the role of gene regulatory factors in determining cell identity and function, and uncover the gene regulatory basis of human diseases. Research areas that we are excited about include, but are not limited to, development of new statistical and machine learning methods for analysis of high-dimensional multi-modal omics data, machine learning-based sequence-to-activity models, and AI models for omics-based diagnosis and prognosis of diseases.  

56 days ago


McGill University, 


, Quebec

, Canada

BRAIN CODE, the bioinformatics team at Dr. Kevin Petrecca’s Lab, the Neuro – McGill University, is recruiting Bioinformatics Research Assistant, Associate and Analysts. We are applying state-of-the-art technologies, including our single cell spatial transcriptomics platform, to our highly valuable and unique human brain datasets, to uncover fundamental biological mechanisms that govern brain cancer initiation, development and evolution, as well as the biology of human brain. We offer a competitive salary, in line with McGill’s salary range, and based on your skills and experience.

60 days ago


Weill Cornell Medical College , 

New York City

, New York

, United States

The Gastrointestinal (GI) Oncology Translational Lab at Weill Cornell Medicine in New York City is seeking a highly skilled computational biologist with a strong analytical background, driven to tackle the mysteries of biology with high-throughput data. We are looking for a bright and motivated person to join our research program to study tumor microenvironments, unique molecular disease subtypes, and their relation to resistance and sensitivity to cytotoxic therapy and immunotherapies. The Translational Lab (PI Manish A. Shah, MD) in the GI Oncology program at Weill Cornell is a multidisciplinary group focused on novel drug and immunotherapy development across GI malignancies (https://shahlab.weill.cornell.edu/).  Drivers of resistance including disease subtypes, the tumor microenvironment, and host factors are explored in preclinical models and from blood and tissue samples across an array of patients treated on clinical trials. This position combines the best aspects of industry and academia; it is ideal for PhD graduates looking to work in a thriving and stimulating research environment on cutting-edge medical and clinical research projects, directly impacting multiple research efforts. The focus of our work is to understand the data at hand and how it relates to the initial research question. If you enjoy detail-oriented data exploration, hypothesis testing, writing robust code, and contributing to a wide range of research projects, then this job is for you!

60 days ago


McGill University – Faculty of Dental Medicine and Oral Health Sciences, 


, Quebec

, Canada

Project Title: Polygenic Risk Score development for chronic low back pain Professors Carolina Meloto and Audrey Grant are hiring one PhD student at the Faculty of Dental Medicine and Oral Health Sciences at McGill University. This research opportunity is focused on applied approaches directed towards prevention of chronic low back pain (cLBP) development. Broadly, chronic pain is defined based on the persistence of pain experience for over three months and represents a substantial public health burden with a prevalence of 20 % in the general population, with cLBP as the most common chronic pain condition. Accurately predicting individuals who are at risk of cLBP is a vital step needed to enable cLBP prevention strategies. Despite cLBP having a sizable genetic heritability, models proposed to predict cLBP development are based on biopsychosocial measures and do not incorporate genetic variability. Here, we will capitalize on large scale biobanks available to our teams to derive and assess the performance (discrimination, calibration, and accuracy) of a polygenic risk score (PRS) that predicts cLBP development. We plan to use cutting edge methodology and new data resources to maximize predictive performance of the PRS.  

63 days ago


Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute, 


, Ontario

, Canada

Position Summary The Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute (LTRI) of Sinai Health, a University of Toronto affiliated research centre, is seeking two (2) emerging leaders in the broad area of Population Health Data Science. The appointments will be for Full-Time Principal Investigators, rank equivalent to Assistant or Associate Professors, with the anticipated starting date of September 1, 2025, or a date to be mutually agreed upon.   We seek applicants who will develop independent, outstanding and innovative Population Health Data Science research programs. We will consider applicants spanning all areas of Population Health Data Science and are particularly interested in investigators with a specific focus on one of the following topics: (i) Infectious disease research, including but not limited to communicable disease epidemiology, mathematical modelling, pathogen genomics and phylodynamics. Establishing an impactful research program that develops and applies innovative quantitative approaches to investigate the evolution, natural history, and transmission of the pathogens in the population and/or their interplay with host immunity and co-morbidities, and provide insights to inform infectious disease prevention, surveillance and control.   (ii) Population data linkage research based on connection of population data from various sources, such as electronic medical records, administrative and laboratory databases, and geospatial information linkable to environmental conditions at the provincial, national or international scale. Applying and developing innovative analytical approaches, including machine learning algorithms for ecological, longitudinal, etiological, prognostic or comparative analysis, and resulting in insights to inform population health determinants and policy recommendations. The health topic areas can include but are not restricted to, perinatal/maternal-child health, cancers, cardiometabolic conditions, autoimmune diseases and other complex diseases.   The Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute is one of Canada’s leading biomedical research institutes, located within Mount Sinai Hospital at Sinai Health in downtown Toronto. The LTRI is committed to excellence in health research and development of early career investigators. LTRI’s faculty members are internationally renowned for their work in cancer, diabetes, genetic disorders, and maternal-infant health, among others. Large-scale health data has been collected through multiple research initiatives and platforms, and Sinai Health, in collaboration with University Health Network, is home to one of largest hospital-based clinical microbiology testing laboratories in North America, performing over 600,000 microbiological tests per year and recognized locally and nationally as a leader in microbiology innovation and research, particularly in the areas of virology, antimicrobial susceptibility testing, and infection prevention and control. Within the LTRI, the Prosserman Centre for Population Health Research comprises multi-disciplinary scientists focusing on quantitative research of complex diseases, including precision health and multi-omics integration based on large-scale cohorts and biobank data. Partnering with the Data Sciences Institute, the Dalla Lana School of Public Health, the Department of Statistical Sciences, and the Department of Computer Science at the University of Toronto, the Prosserman Centre for Population Health Research is the hub of an active research community of public health research, complex disease epidemiology, omics data sciences and quantitative method innovation. LTRI provides a research-intensive environment with modern and innovative core facilities. These include next-generation sequencing, single-cell platforms, proteomics, robotics, and advanced cellular imaging, which drive technology development and are housed in the Network Biology Collaborative Centre. LTRI has a fully accredited Biospecimen Repository for biobanking and a dedicated Research Trainee Centre that supports trainees across disciplines from around the world. Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute research groups engage in productive collaborations with the larger University of Toronto community, as well as national and international networks. The University of Toronto boasts one of the world’s most concentrated biomedical research communities, and is notably home to the Toronto Academic Health Science Network (TAHSN), the Vector Institute for Artificial Intelligence and the Data Sciences Institute. Government agencies such as the Ontario Institute for Cancer Research and Public Health Ontario, with whom our researchers partner, are also based in Toronto.  Toronto is a vibrant, safe, multicultural city with excellent quality of life.

68 days ago

Research Associate

CHU de Quebec research centrer - UL, 

Quebec City

, Quebec

, Canada

AdLab, a bioinformatics laboratory in the Research Center of the CHU de Québec – Université Laval is deeply involved in data integration, machine learning, deep learning, and the application of large language models to analyse biological big data. Its multidisciplinary team consists of bioinformaticians, data scientists, and biostatisticians working together to push the boundaries of computational biology. The rapid advancements in ‘omics’ technologies—such as genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, and metabolomics—are revolutionizing our understanding of biological mechanisms. These technologies, however, generate vast amounts of heterogeneous data that require sophisticated computational approaches. AdLab  is dedicated to developing cutting-edge tools and pipelines to efficiently process and integrate multi-omics data, particularly those obtained from next-generation sequencing platforms and including single-cell and proteomics data. To support this mission, we are seeking a skilled bioinformatician to join our team.

71 days ago


Université du Québec à Montréal, Département d’Informatique, 


, Quebec

, Canada

Titre du Projet de Recherche : Nouvelles méthodes d’analyse de réseaux de similarité et leur utilisation en biologie évolutive et génomique Description du Projet : En biologie évolutive, la comparaison de séquences génétiques est essentielle pour comprendre la diversité du vivant. Les arbres et les réseaux phylogénétiques ont grandement contribué à notre compréhension de l’histoire du vivant. Cependant, l’augmentation exponentielle récente des séquences génétiques et génomiques disponibles nécessite de nouvelles méthodes pour explorer la diversité des données génétiques. Notre projet se focalise sur le développement de méthodes mathématiques et informatiques innovantes pour analyser de grands jeux de données génomiques, métagénomiques et biogéographiques via des réseaux de similarité de séquences (les graphes où chaque nœud représente une séquence génétique et chaque arête un lien de similarité).

86 days ago


University of Florida, 


, Florida

, United States

The University of Florida (UF) is the flagship campus of the State of Florida university system and is ranked as the #5 best public US university according to US News and World Report. UF is one of only a few comprehensive universities, having medical, veterinary, dental, nursing, public health, and engineering disciplines all co-localized on the same, contiguous campus. UF is a highly collaborative environment that provides researchers with many opportunities for learning (e.g., top seminar programs, excellent core research facilities) and research collaborations. Gainesville is located in the northern region of Florida, within 1-1.5 hours of each coast, and just 1.5-2 hours to Orlando and Tampa. It is a small to medium-sized city with a low cost of living, good restaurants and entertainment, and southern hospitality. While Gainesville is widely recognized as the home of the Gators, it is quickly becoming known as a center for innovation and a place with a lifestyle that’s comfortable for families, yet attractive for young professionals.