David works in Guillaume Bourque’s lab on software solutions in bioinformatics for organizing, visualizing and analyzing datasets produced by large-scale projects such as the International Human Epigenome Consortium (IHEC), which maps human epigenomes for a broad spectrum of cell types and diseases. He is also involved in the development of GenAP, a platform that leverages Compute Canada infrastructure to make bioinformatics analysis more accessible to non-bioinformaticians, and reduces data processing bottlenecks.
As a Bioinformatics manager of the TechDev unit, Mathieu ensures the integration and the support of new genomics technologies in the platform and he leads the software development. Prior to joining C3G, Mathieu was the team leader of the Bioinformatics service unit at Genome Quebec. He holds a PhD in Statistical Genetics from University Paris-Sud XI and a Master degree in Genetics from University Pierre-et-Marie-Currie (Paris VI).