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Michael Hoffman creates predictive computational models to understand interactions between genome, epigenome, and phenotype in human cancers. He implemented the genome annotation method Segway, which simplifies interpretation of large multivariate genomic datasets, and was a linchpin of the NIH ENCODE Project analysis. He was named a CIHR New Investigator and has received several awards for his academic work, including the NIH K99/R00 Pathway to Independence Award, and the Ontario Early Researcher Award.
As a Bioinformatics manager of the TechDev unit, Mathieu ensures the integration and the support of new genomics technologies in the platform and he leads the software development. Prior to joining C3G, Mathieu was the team leader of the Bioinformatics service unit at Genome Quebec. He holds a PhD in Statistical Genetics from University Paris-Sud XI and a Master degree in Genetics from University Pierre-et-Marie-Currie (Paris VI).