100 days ago




, Quebec


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Microbial biomarkers to improve the efficacy of GDNF treatment for Hirschsprung disease


Hirschsprung disease is a deadly congenital malformation where the enteric nervous system (ENS) is missing from the colon. Recently, we found that a GDNF-based treatment can induce the formation of a new ENS in the colon of mouse models of Hirschsprung disease, and significantly improve gastrointestinal functions and survival of these mice. However, we have observed variability in the response to GDNF treatment among individuals, with some mice failing to respond while others respond positively. In collaboration with our project partner Neurenati, we are carrying out studies to understand why, and thereby improve the efficacy of the treatment.




The overall goal of the project is to use mouse models of Hirschsprung disease to identify microbiome biomarkers associated with a positive response to GDNF treatment, and for early diagnosis of Hirschsprung disease. We wish to recruit a postdoctoral researcher who will make use of long-read sequencing technology to assemble metagenomic assembled genomes (MAGs), which will serve as an improved reference database for subsequent identification of microbial biomarkers based on long- and short-read sequencing.

The postdoctoral researcher will be co-supervised by Dr. Steven Kembel (https://kembellab.ca) and Dr. Nicolas Pilon (https://pilonnicolas.wixsite.com/monsite) working in collaboration with our project partner Neurenati (https://www.neurenati.com/). The position is based at UQAM in Montreal with an anticipated start date of January or May 2025. Funding is guaranteed for 2 years. Salary for the position is $63,000/year (total compensation including vacation pay) plus benefits.

  • Ph.D. in Genomics, Microbiology, Bioinformatics, or related fields
  • Strong motivation and interest in participating in a diverse and dynamic research team including academic and private sector partners
  • Expertise in microbial genomics, metagenomics, and biomarker identification from microbiome data is an asset
  • This position is based at UQAM, a francophone university, and thus knowledge of French is an asset


Additional Information:

Interested candidates should contact us by email (kembel.steven_w@uqam.ca and pilon.nicolas@uqam.ca) and include the following information:

  • Letter of interest (1 page)
  • CV
  • Contact information for two references

Informal inquiries are welcome. We will consider all applications and encourage women, racialized/visible minorities, Indigenous/Aboriginal peoples, persons with disabilities, and LGBTQ2+ persons to apply.  The work environment is friendly, collaborative and inclusive with the possibility to collaborate across multiple research labs and with our private sector partner Neurenati.





Hirschsprung disease

rare disease



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