495 days ago

Memorial University of Newfoundland


St. John's

, Newfoundland and Labrador


Job Type:


Degree Level Required:

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The Department of Biology at Memorial University invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position at the rank of Assistant Professor, starting September 1, 2024. A PhD in Biological Sciences or a related field, and relevant postdoctoral research experience, are required at the time of appointment. Duties include teaching at the undergraduate and graduate levels, leading an externally-funded research program, supervision of research by PhD and MSc students, as well as undergraduate students and postdoctoral fellows, and routine administrative responsibilities. Salary will be determined according to qualifications and experience, as stipulated by the Memorial University of Newfoundland Faculty Association (MUNFA) Collective Agreement. The position is subject to budgetary approval.


We are broadly seeking applicants with a research focus on molecular and systems biology. Exceptional candidates with expertise in genetics, genomics, epigenetics, proteomics, metabolomics, or other non-reductionist/large-scale molecular approaches are encouraged to apply. Applicants are expected to possess a strong research record with outstanding potential, and to demonstrate excellence in undergraduate and graduate teaching. A successful candidate is expected to 1) conduct high impact research, produce quality publications, and build a well-funded research program; and 2) teach in the area(s) of their expertise, and within the Department of Biology's Molecular, Microbial and Cell Biology Concentration.


A PhD in Biological Sciences or a related field, and relevant postdoctoral research experience, are required at the time of appointment.


Systems Biology

Assistant Professor






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